Friday, December 30, 2011

A New Beginning

Well the new year has not begun but Charlie and I have been ready for it to get here for awhile.  Not that something magical happens when 2012 rolls in.  It just seems that everything is at a stand still until the holidays are behind us and then it is full steam ahead. We had a pretty tough 2011. It seems alot of folks had a tough year.

We are ready for some changes.  One thing that will not change.....we will continue to focus on the best things in our lives.  Those things being each other, our kids and grandkids.  We all have the opportunity everyday to choose to focus on the good in our lives or the negitive.  Most days my choice is to focus on the good and not let the bad rob me of the blessings of today.....however....I am sucked into the negitive more times than I would like to admit.

With life getting in the way, I am not where I had hoped to be by now with my jewelry making skills.  I had hoped to be farther along with the metal work and polymer clay.  At the top of my "to do" list for become proficient in metalsmithing and polymer clay.  Healthy eating has gone by the wayside...just because it was one more thing to think about and plan.  My brain could not handle one more thing.  So, healthy eating is at the top of my "to do for 2012".  I need to be proficient in that area so it is just as easy to grab something healthly without having to think about it as it has been to grab the not healthy.  I love Dr. Oz.  Who doesn't, right?  Handsome, compassionate, funny, intelligent, and yet so practical and open minded!  And so real!  He had Alton Brown on a few days ago.  Alton said "In America we focus too much on what we cannot eat.  Why not focus on what we should eat for our health everyday?"  How simple is that??? He has a list of what he needs to eat and how many times a week he should have those things for good health.  So my goal is to use that list until it just becomes second nature.  To change my mindset from what I cannot have to what I need to eat for good health.

What about you??  Been thinking about things you would like to do, change, or view differently in 2012?  Care to share?  Writing it down for others to see adds accountablity.

Have a great day enjoying the blessings in your life.


1 comment:

  1. spendng more time with family. We've had a blast so far.
