Sunday, March 25, 2012

What Does Bohemian Mean?

Well you have heard about my love for Pinterest.  I have noticed alot of the style I like on Pinterest has the word bohemian in the description.  Now some of this bohemian style is a little too out there for me.  What does this word mean?  I know Bohemia is a place in Europe.  When you are teaching a child to read you teach them to look at the pictures for clues as to what the book is about.  I found myself falling back on this kindergarten skill to figure out the meaning of bohemian style.  The pictures told me bohemian is flowing, light weight, eclectic, some solids, some colorful patterns.  I looked up the definition online and found this....

"a person, as an artist or writer, who lives and acts free of regard for conventional rules and practices".....ok.....still not completely clear on what constitutes bohemian untillllll.......I ran across a definition using the word "hippie".  Not that I understand!  I am a hippie at heart from the 70s.  So why didn't the definition just say "politically correct word in 2012 for hippie"......that is what it is.....right?  I had the hip hugger pants that looked like an American flag complete with the wide black belt, choker beaded necklace (where my love for beads began) and long hair to my waist parted down the middle.

So I find myself in my fifties giving myself permission to be who I was all along, hippie or bohemian,  I really don't care what you call it.  The years that I have tried to transform to what was " the expected" cookie cutter did not work for me.  How freeing it is.... not trying so hard to be who or what everyone else wants or expects.  Just being who He created me to be.

I loved the shops in Kansas City, Mo. that were called back in the hippie day "head shops".  I loved to look at the jewelry that was handmade.  I am very grateful to my new friends I have met in the blogger world that have inspired me to discover my creative side and not be afraid of it.  This weekend I have been working on the friendship bracelets mentioned and pictured in the post to bring something old back in a new and more grown up version! 

Hope you all have a great week.


Saturday, March 24, 2012

Only One Perfect Person Has Lived On This Earth

Yesterday I was having a talk with my supervisor.  I had not seen her much in a couple of to the job and she is not hovering over me....nice feeling to be trusted to do your job even though I am still have so much to learn.  She stopped by to ask me how I felt things were going.  I mentioned that I knew they did not expect me to know everything yet but I have a higher and sometimes unreasonably expectation set for myself.  She said "Remember, we do not expect perfection, we strive for excellence!  There has been only one perfect person who lived on this earth and He died 2000 years ago."

After coming from the department I worked in..... this way of thinking will take some adjusting but what a great adjustment back to a "reasonable" way of working day to day.  People make mistakes, things slip through the cracks, in this department it is apparent that is understandable.  There has to be room for human error and I have been given persmission on more than on occasion in the last 4 weeks to be human.  It is great to work hard, come home tired and yet no stress!  A happy employee is a productive employee.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

What A Difference

What an awesome two weeks.  I love my new job.  I look forward to going to work!  I have not been able to say that in a very long time. One of the guys in the department said to me "everyone in this department REALLY cares about each other and that is a really good feeling".  That coming from one of the guys really spoke volumes.  My second week ended with my supervisor bringing me coffee on Friday.  I was soooo shocked when I looked up and saw her bringing my mug of coffee to me.  She said "well I am so appreciative of you having the coffee ready when I come in..."(she grinned) and said "I wanted to reward that good behavior." 

To sum the first two weeks up...appreciated...valued...asking my opinion or do I need anything.  Our Director came by everyday my first week to see how my day was!  Friday and tomorrow are teacher workdays with no kids in school.  So the perfect ending to the second week started with coffee being served , the Superintendent dismissing all 12 month employees 2 hours early and the Director saying we could wear blue jeans on Monday.  You know it really is the little things in life that make a girl happy.

I have been making some bracelets for summer.  It's hard for me to not make everything turquoise, love that color.  I haven't posted new pictures in awhile.  I will do that soon.  Have you seen the adult friendship bracelets attached to the large link chain?   I really like this look I saw on Pinterest.  I also love the way the friendship bracelets are the same colorful fun they use to be with a sophisticated update for the adult.